Four cases of laryngeal lipoma are presented with a discussion of their differential diagnoses and management.
Materials and methods
Case report and literature review.
Laryngeal lipomas, though a fairly rare entity, are occasionally the cause of persistent hoarseness of voice. An accurate diagnosis is important and the management may vary from surgical excision to only wait and watch policy, as these tumors are usually slow growing. A discussion of the presentation and management of four cases of laryngeal lipoma managed by us is documented with a review of literature.
Laryngeal lipomas have no set management protocol. A custom-made plan for each patient should be charted out depending on the symptoms of the patient and extent of the lipoma.
How to cite this article
Nerurkar NK, Jain AA, Desai BH. Lipoma of the Larynx: Our Experience. Int J Phonosurg Laryngol 2016;6(2):89-92.