Clinical Profile of Hoarseness and its Management Options: A 2 years Prospective Study of 145 Patients
Rauf Ahmad, Raja Salman Khurshid, Mukhtar Ahmad Khan
Citation Information :
Ahmad R, Khurshid RS, Khan MA. Clinical Profile of Hoarseness and its Management Options: A 2 years Prospective Study of 145 Patients. Int J Phonosurg Laryngol 2012; 2 (1):23-29.
This study was undertaken to study the clinical profile of hoarseness and the role of conservative (nonsurgical) and surgical modes of intervention.
Materials and methods
A prospective cohort analysis was carried out in Department of ENT, Government Medical College, Srinagar, in 145 cases of change in voice for 2 years duration. All cases were analyzed for detailed history and pre- and postoperative fiber optic laryngeal examination. The cases were managed by conventional conservative methods or underwent phonosurgery in nonresolving cases.
Total 145 cases with M:F ratio of 1.37:1 were analyzed. Patients’ age ranged from 5 to 80 years and majority of patients equally presented in 4th and 6th decade and about 75% had duration of hoarseness of more than 3 months. A voice demanding profession was present in 34% of cases. Vocal abuse was the commonest predisposing factor (about 40%) followed by larygopharyngeal reflux disease (26%). Functional voice disorders were found in 15.85% of cases while 62.06% of patients had a definite organic disorder. Conservative treatment (primary) was employed in 103 cases (71%), surgical treatment (primary) in 42 cases (29%) and surgical treatment after failure of conservative was given in 22 cases (15%).
How to cite this article
Khurshid RS, Khan MA, Ahmad R. Clinical Profile of Hoarseness and its Management Options: A 2 years Prospective Study of 145 Patients. Int J Phonosurg Laryngol 2012;2(1):23-29.
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