Introduction: Tonsillectomy, or excision of palatine tonsils situated in the oropharynx, is a surgical procedure executed on modulation structures of the vocal tract and may produce substantial changes in voice quality. Potential changes in the voice may be of great importance if the patient is a singer or a performing artist, and also in the present setting where global voice biometrics is gaining momentum as a person's voice is as unique as a fingerprint. Therefore, it seems purposeful to determine objectively the changes in voice characteristics resulting from tonsillectomy.
Aim: To determine if vocal resonance changes after tonsillectomy.
Materials and methods: A prospective descriptive study of postoperative voice change in 31 tonsillectomy cases was done over a period of 1 year. Preoperative and postoperative voice was recorded, and formant frequencies were obtained and compared.
Results: The first and second formants increased postoperatively, but only the change in the second formant was found to be statistically significant.
Conclusion: As expected, the voice changed after tonsillectomy but was barely perceptible to the patients, except in the case of voice professionals, where it can have a significant impact because of the change in signature voice.
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