Hoarseness of Voice: A Retrospective Study of 251 Cases
Digvijay Singh, Hansa Banjara, Varsha Mungutwar, Anuj Gupta
Citation Information :
Singh D, Banjara H, Mungutwar V, Gupta A. Hoarseness of Voice: A Retrospective Study of 251 Cases. Int J Phonosurg Laryngol 2011; 1 (1):21-27.
Hoarseness of voice is a common symptom in otolaryngological practice and it is the earliest manifestation of a large variety of conditions directly or indirectly affecting the larynx, ranging from benign to most malignant. This study was undertaken to find out clinical profile, predisposing factors and etiology of hoarseness of voice.
A retrospective cohort analysis was carried out in Department of ENT, Pt JNM Medical College, Raipur, in 251 cases of change in voice for 3 years duration. All cases were analyzed for detailed history and underwent pre- and postoperatively stroboscopic examination to reach the diagnosis.
Total 251 cases with M:F ratio of 1.9:1 were analyzed. Patients age ranged from 11 to 80 years and majority of patients equally presented in 4th and 6th decade. Nonvocal/nonprofessional group constituted as a single largest group (85.26%). Smoking was commonest predisposing factor (44.22%) followed by vocal abuse (30.28%). Out of 251 cases, 83.67% cases were organic and 16.33% cases were functional in origin.
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